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2022-2023 TN All Corp Training for Aspiring and Alternative Educators

What is TN ALL Corps High-Dosage, Low-Ratio tutoring? TN ALL Corps programs create high-impact learning experiences, focus on reteaching missed or unlearned concepts, and connect those unlearned concepts to grade level content for the purpose of accelerating student learning. TN ALL Corps should focus on students demonstrating significant learning loss, especially those students who are “approaching” proficiency on TCAP or other standards-based benchmark assessments. These students often need a longer series of tailored concept development and “just in time” interventions through targeted and frequent tutoring. Who needs to complete the TN ALL Corps Training for Aspiring and Alternative Educators? Any alternative educators, or tutors without a teaching license, who will be providing high-dosage, low-ratio tutoring to students need to complete the training. If the alternate educator completed the training during the 2021-2022 school year, they must only complete the Introduction module during the 2022-2023 to be considered fully trained. Licensed/Certified educators who are providing high-dosage, low-ratio tutoring are not required to complete the TN ALL Corps training for Aspiring and Alternative Educators.